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First Wednesdays Open Mic

Enfield Culture and Arts Commission is sponsoring First Wednesdays Open Mic at the Enfield Public Library.

First Wednesdays are about creating a welcoming and supportive performance space for artists of all ages and levels. Come express your talents whether it be music, poetry, rap, or spoken word with a receptive group. Facilitated by Enfield musician Kevin Crane.

A variety of instruments including ukuleles, guitars, drums, violins, mandolins, and keyboards are available to be checked out at the library for a three week loan.

The purpose of the Enfield Culture and Arts Commission shall be to plan, produce, coordinate, or otherwise provide assistance to sponsors of events or activities and to encourage participation therein, which promote or develop the artistic, historic, cultural and heritage resources of and within the community of Enfield.

Earlier Event: May 7
Pearl Street Matinee
Later Event: May 14
Pearl Street Matinee