Friends of the Enfield Library

Who We Are

Friends of the Enfield Library support library activities, raise much needed funds through book sales and other events to purchase new materials for the library.  The group has grown to a membership of over 150. 

Become a Friend!

You are invited to become a member of the Friends of the Enfield Library for as little as $10 per year.  With your membership you will receive admission to the "preview" book sale, advance notice of events and lots more. To join pick up a membership form at the library. 

Make checks payable to:
Friends of the Enfield Library
104 Middle Road
Enfield, CT 06082

Types of Memberships Available:

  • Individual $10

  • Family $15

  • Literary Lion $60

  • Curator $100

What We Do

Friends sponsor various programs and special events for the Enfield Public Library including:

Annual Book Sale
The Friends of the Enfield Library hold their yearly book sale the first weekend in June. 

May Annual Dinner Meeting
Your membership also entitles you to take part in the Annual Friends Dinner held each May in the Community Room of the library.

Bestselling Author Visits
The Friends of the Enfield Library help us to bring in widely known authors like Malachy McCourt, Jane Yolen, Donna Stewart Hardway and Steve Hamilton. 

Monthly Meetings
The Friends of the Enfield Library meet monthly on the last Tuesday of every month in the Community Room of the library.  At some of those meetings throughout the year local authors talk about their works and offer signed copies.  

Members also visit the Friends of the Enfield Library work area on Tuesday evenings throughout the year to sort books for the annual book sale.  If you are interested in becoming a sorter either join in, or call to schedule yourself to sort at another time.

Museum Pass Program
Explore the world beyond the library through museum passes provided through the generosity of the Friends of the Enfield Library Museum Pass Program.

Contact the Friends

Pat 860-741-2904

Betsy 860-830-5750


For donations information and to arrange donation pick up, please call Joan 860-763-2291

author book signing