Enfield PUblic Library and COVID-19
Update: May 26, 2020
The Enfield Public Library is now offering Curbside Pickup.
Update: March 24, 2020
Library Remote Services Press Release
The Library Reference staff have been adding additional eBooks and eAudiobooks to our Overdrive platform so that patrons still have books while the physical library is closed. Titles through Hoopla are always available, there’s no waiting for your copy to become available. We also have eMagazines, streaming movies and music available.
The Children’s staff at the Library are major celebrities among the younger residents of Enfield. To stay in touch with them, Miss Kristin, Miss Lisa and Miss Ann have been recording story times and posting them to Facebook. The first one has reached more than 2,500 individuals and the kids have loved getting to see their favorite librarians. We are hoping to roll out a Facebook Live Rhyme Time soon as well. Our Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/enfieldpubliclibrary/
Staff have also put together a list of free educational resources to help being home with the kids while schools are closed (https://www.enfieldpubliclibrary.org/distanceed). Most of our databases are available from home, including the very popular genealogical resource Ancestry.com. Reference staff are still taking reference and research questions via email at LibraryQuestion@enfield.org.
Library Assistant, Erica Leahy, started a Ukulele Club at the Senior Center earlier this month. To keep the club going while maintaining social distance, she has put together a virtual meeting using Zoom teleconferencing.
Library From Home
The Enfield Public Library offers great resources you can access from the comfort of your home.
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, videos and magazines on OverDrive/Libby
Catch up on more magazines on RB Digital
Check out more materials on Hoopla
Research topics in our Databases and learn how to use them with our Video Tutorials
Reference Staff is available to answer reference questions by phone at 860-763-7511 or by email at libraryquestion@enfield.org
Learn More About the COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - COVID 19
CT COVID-19 Updates
Facts About COVID-19 (printable pdf)
Stop the Spread of Germs Flyer (printable pdf)
What You Need to Know (printable pdf)
What To Do If You Are Sick (printable pdf)
Comic for Kids
What Older Adults Need To Know (video)
Returning Materials & Fines
The book drop is open. Patrons may return library materials and items.
The Enfield Public Library will be waiving fines until further notice to allow people to keep library materials for extended periods of time should they become quarantined, ill, or limiting visits to public areas and unable to return materials to the library.
Action Plan
Custodial Services have been thoroughly disinfecting surfaces.
Staff have been periodically wiping down high traffic and transmission areas with disinfecting wipes.
Patrons and staff are encouraged to use standard protocols and precautions during cold and flu season. However, if you feel sick, you should stay home.
Toys in the Children’s Department have been temporarily removed from use.
A reduced number of computers will still be available for patrons, so that patrons can have more space between stations.